Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Arty Tuesdays: Jubes

Well, there really couldn't have been any other theme for this tues. Hope you have all had a jolly good jube and have been getting all patriotic, I know I have! I had a jubillee sleepover with friends, we watched the concert last night then saw the service etc today, before heading to Banbridge to catch a glimpse of the Olympic Torch. All in all feeling very proud to be GB! Long live Liz!

Alison Fennell
I would definitely have this on my wall.

New street artist on the.. street. I like!

How do you interpret this? I see: 'the UK - built on Sweatshops'. Which is why I buy fairtrade.

Colin Ruffell
Lovely amount of detail

Maggie Hookings
Just great! I want one.

Phil Tufnell(!)
Loving this effect! Proves anyone can be an artist.

Terry Woodvine
A portrait made out of Sterling notes. Cool effect but we all know you can't put a price on the Queen, she's priceless! 

Now - go watch the Jubillee Concert. So good. Esp 'Let it Be'.. has to be one of the best songs ever.

Hope you all had a happy and glorious day!

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