Let's give this another shot.

Eat more fish
Give blood
Learn my Ukulele (6 years after buying it)
Stop snoozing the alarm
Shop more ethically
Learn to enjoy running?!
Play my flute regularly
Be grateful every day
Get abs
Get a job.
Get a car?!
Knit a scarf
Make macaroons (successfully)
Live on a horse ranch in Canada and be a horse whisperer and be rich and travel around Europe in my spare time and be a professional baker and bring an end to poverty in the Southern hemisphere No.

Things I want to achieve this year...
(I'm still thinking but this is what I've come up with so far)

Eat more fish
Give blood
Earn some level of money
Drink more green tea
Stop being scared about the 'real world'...
Get excited and organised about getting a job
Learn my Ukulele (5 years after buying it)
Stop snoozing the alarm
Get 2,000 blog views!
Shop more ethically
Learn to enjoy drawing again
Attend a gym class (more than once...)
Learn to enjoy running?!
Play my flute regularly
Be grateful every day
Go Abroad