So let's see.. my last post was 19th June. So that would make it a 7 month sabbatical for me then?! Saying that, this could just be a short blip in a continuing departure from the blogosphere, i.e. I'm not promising anything. But hey, where the wind takes you...
So life update: I've done the whole Madagascar shabang, the dissertation, the graduation, my 23rd, 2012 altogether. Kapeesh. And yes, it was great. I'm really not up for a big ol' catch up though.
Right now I'm back in rainy (and/or snowy), police ridden (seriously, I saw 20 armored police vans in a row outside my work today) Belfast, living the high life of post-university. Ahah.. yah it sucks. But hey, what's life without a bit of debt and despair. I've got a bit of shop work to keep some carrots in the fridge and bread in the cupboard (factual insight: it keeps better in the cupboard than the fridge, who knew?!) so I'm not quite pickpocketing yet. Job wise it has been hard going - especially around Christmas the recruitment cupboards were bare. It's picking up now, but it's hard work sometime seeing these awesome opportunities in London, and something vaguely appropriate in Belfast.. which I'll be lucky if I'll even get a physical rejection letter for, rather than stoney silence. Aaahhh YEAH recession, you so great!
I'll admit I've been a bit of a glum hippo. I know January isn't a fanfair for most people, especially gloomy blue monday. The ironic thing is, by my estimate, blue monday was about the time I started feeling better about things. Something about me has changed this week. This wasn't all a ploy to get all preacher-sista on you, but I read a verse in a book earlier this week, and it shook me up. It's not even that crazy or mindblowing, and it's kinda similar to what I've been trying to tell myself. I guess Big G just says it better.
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24
I just read that.. and it seemed so simple. Now I find myself waking up and running it through my head every morning. It helps me get up and go, make something of my day, get productive, then earn my rest in the evening. And most of all, start with a quiet time. Man, I cannot believe what a difference that makes to my day. It's like one time when I was skeptical about a friend's antideppresent medication, and whether it was just a placebo effect. She explained it to me that she would find herself feeling sad and then realise that she hadn't taken her medication that morning, rather than take the pills and then float into happyville. That's what it's like for me - I notice if I haven't done it. And when I do, suddenly I feel like a happy diplodocus.. then I figured, hey you know what's changed? I chilled with Jesus this morning! Yeah I know if you're not a Christian you're gonna be all whaaaaaaaat, but I'm just layin down my personal truth for y'all! Take it or leave it, know what I'm sayiin.
Peace! x
Glad you're back JoBo..