“I know you through and through – I know everything about you. The very hairs of your head I have numbered. Nothing in your life is unimportant to me, I have followed you through the years, and I have always loved you – even in your wanderings.
I know every one of your problems. I know your need and your worries. And yes, I know all your sins. But I tell you again that I love you – not for what you have or haven’t done – I love you for you, for the beauty and dignity my Father gave you by creating you in his own image. It is a dignity you have often forgotten, a beauty you have tarnished by sin. But I love you as you are, and I have shed my blood to win you back. If you only ask me with faith, my grace will touch all that needs changing in your life; and I will give you the strength to free yourself from sin and all its destructive power.
I know what is in your heart – I know your loneliness and your hurts – the rejections, the judgments, the humiliations. I carried it all before you. And I carried it all for you, so you might share my strength and victory. I know especially your need for love – how you are thirsting to be loved and cherished. But how often you thirsted in vain, by seeking that love selfishly, striving to fill the emptiness inside you with passing pleasures – with even greater emptiness of sin. Do you thirst for love? “Come to me all you who thirst” (John 7:37). I will satisfy you and fill you. Do you thirst to be cherished? I cherish you more than you can imagine to the point of dying on a cross for you.
I thirst for you. Yes, that is the only way to even begin to describe my love for you: I thirst for you. I thirst to love and be loved by you – that is how precious you are to me. I thirst for you. Come to me, and fill your heart and heal your wounds.
If you feel unimportant in the eyes of the world, that matters not at all. For me, there is no one any more important in the entire world than you. I thirst for you. Open to me, come to me, thirst for me, give me your life – and I will prove to you how important you are to my heart.
No matter how far you may wander, no matter how often you forget me, no matter how many crosses you may bear in this life, there is one thing I want you to remember always, one thing that will never change: I thirst for you – just as you are. You don’t need to change to believe in my love, for it will be your belief in my love that will change you. You forget me, and yet I am seeking you every moment of the day – standing at the door, and knocking.
Do you find this hard to believe? Then look at the cross, look at my heart that was pierced for you. Have you not understood the cross? Then listen again to the words I spoke there – for they tell you clearly I endured all this for you: "I thirst" (John 19:28). Yes, I thirst for you – as the rest of the Psalm verse which I was praying says of me: “I looked for love, and I found none” (Psalm 69:20).
All your life I have been looking for your love – I have never stopped seeking to love and be loved by you. You have tried many other things in your search for happiness; why not try opening your heart to me, right now, more than you ever have before.
Whenever you do open the door of your heart, whenever you come close enough, you will hear me say to you again and again, not in mere human words but in spirit: “No matter what you have done, I love you for your own sake.”
Come to me with your misery and your sins, with your trouble and needs, and with all your longing to be loved. I stand at the door of your heart and knock. Open to me, for I thirst for you.”
Written by Mother Teresa
Monday, 23 April 2012
Friday, 20 April 2012
Hooray, Hooray, it's a Holi-Holiday!
Two weeks have been spent galavanting in the Land of Hope and Glory, oft referred to as England. Seeing friends gets more complicated when employment steps in, not everyone gets the luxury of a three week break (oh how I will miss being a student!) so I didn't get to see all the faces I would have liked to, but the ones I did see were delightful. Besides coursework I allotted some holidaying hours to easter egg hunts, a life drawing class, a sewing machine, a visit to Jane Austen's house, walks in the English countryside etc (gosh, don't I sound wholesome). Also went back to my home church and my RDA group so that was great.
I also had a couple of daytrips to London, one with Loren for shopping and fun, and one with fam for theatre and cuisine. I love the Big L, I really hope to live there one day, it's just so big and varied and exciting and buzzing and everything else.
So trip #1 we went "shopping" in Libertys, though it was more of a sight seeing trip at those prices! Not sure I've ever seen so many beautiful things stuffed into such a beautiful space!
Textiles department at Libertys |
Libertys |
UK biscuit cutter! |
Lozzy + Piggy |
We headed to China town for Lunch, in a relatively authentic little restaurant with a big wooden door you had to knock on to get in! We had dim sum dumplings and bubble tea. The dumplings were nice, the tea was... an experience. It was orange, tasted like cold coffee.. but not as nice. And had little black squidgey balls of tapioca blobbing about in it.
Oh hai China! |
Bubble tea |
There was a genuinely scary animatronic croc in the Rainforest Cafe Shop. Had Lake Placid flashbacks.
London Take 2 occurred the following day and involved the fam, although I had a fleeting meet up with Kasim* at Covent Garden. It was Mum and Dads 25th wedding ann, so had a meal at Little Sicily and then saw Les Mis - which far exceeded my expectations. Amazing!
*Everyone cheer Kasim on at the London Marathon this weekend!!
My starter.. rocket, walnuts, cheese, beet |
![]() |
I dreamed a dream.... |
This prev Thursday signaled the Return of the Fox to NI, it's sad to leave yet good to be back at the same time!
Saturday, 14 April 2012
It's Khoo Love
The other day whilst watching BBC2 I discovered my new most favourite person... Rachel Khoo from The Little Paris Kitchen.
A Non-Definitive List Of Things I Like About Rachel Khoo
- She is French-Malay-Austrian
- She wears wonderful lipstick
- She gave up her job to study food in Paris, knowing no French and having only been there once
- She has really great style and pretty day dresses
- She has really great hair
- She makes wonderful food
- She has a really pretty house
- She has a really pretty mix-match collection of kitchen wear
- She lives in Paris
- ...I want to be her friend.
Read more about her here.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Spring Bake
Happy Easter everyone!
I hope you are all having a nice rest.. I get 3 weeks off :)
I got home on Good Friday and going back on the 19th. Had a nice family Easter weekend, and also found time for an Easter egg hunt (or two..) with friends.
I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would do a little baking post, seeing as my last post was so healthy!
Here are two cakes that have featured in my life recently.
Of course one of them is a Simnel cake a la the Muv!
I decorated it though, do you like my daffodils?!
I used a star cutter for the flower base, then flattened the marzipan out a bit and struck a few lines through to give the petal effect! Then I used this intriguing serrated object I found in the draw to cut out the top of the stems (sorry for being ignorant, I have no idea what it is. I call it a 'daffodil stem cutter').
The other cake is one I made with Connor just before I left seeing as I had a bit of time and a lot of bananas on my hands! I used a simple banana bread recipe with added walnuts. If you're wondering what 500g of bananas looks like (as one often does), here it is! PS - the riper the better. I'm talking near black.
Connor was Chief Diabetes Inducer for this recipe, so whipped up a special topping from butter, brown sugar, golden syrup and walnuts. Microwaved this then stuck it in the fridge. I diced a few slices in the top of the cake when it was done to flatten out the top and also help the topping soak in, then draped over the sugary concoction.
Left it to cool and had it for breakfast. It was gooooood.
Go on, you know you want to make it.
Need an excuse?
Remember what Easter is about and how much we have to celebrate...
Someone died for you, death has been overcome, you can have a second chance and a clean slate!
“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV)
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