Monday 23 January 2012

Sherlock FEVER!

So from a regular scan of my facebook newsfeed it's clear to see that I am not the only one to be diagnosed with Sherlock FEVER! And I'm talking about the double dose - BBC and Hollywood versions! Both wonderful in their own special ways. I like the film version because of the whole style of production - makes London seem so exciting and mysterious! But can't beat the Cumberbatch-Freeman duo also.

So who's got a good theory about how (BBC) Sherlock cheats death? I've been doing some research and the main lines of thought seem to be...

1) Lots of theories involving S jumping into a rubbish (or similar squishy material) truck

2) Significance of W's distraction re: bike - and possible use of the misleading drug used in the Hounds of the Baskerville episode. May not have seen what he thought he saw - or mistook body for Sherlock when it wasn't..

3) Body may have been Moriaty OR dummy used to simulate hanging at beginning of episode

4) Involvement of Molly (fake postmortem/place a fake corpse)

5) Was Watson looking at Sherlock - he could have been looking at a different building???

So many questions! Any other thoughts?

Sherlock Tools

So anyway, I've put together a few items just incase you - like me - aspire to be a little more Sherlock.

Perfect book for studying other people and their wiley ways

Visit this site and memorise every map ever in the world. It might be useful.

Get yourself a trademark hat. This is a nice modern take on the classic deerstalker.

Spend free time completing SceneIt? challenges to help improve observance-y. You must learn to see EVERYTHING.

Keep hydrated for optimum brain functioning. Get a bit funky with this "Barnyard Fun" flask (fun AND will distract people from your secret sleuth powers)

Find a compliant bachelor to accompany you on missions. Here's a list of Britain's top 50 most eligible. Prince Harry is number one - I would also recommend him in this role due to his useful connections, and wealth (your detective business may take some time to get going, so it's always good to have some extra income).


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